Edalene Theatre is looking for a male and female who fit the following descriptions to join the cast for a new musical mounting February 2014. If you are interested, please send a video of you singing a verse and chorus of a song of your choosing to kerri@edalenetheatre.ca


Sam Donovan- Strong singer. Widowed farmer who holds the town together while parenting his two children. Adamantly against the resort project. 35 to 55. A strong man with a sensitive soul. Never fully recovered his wife’s passing but has a relationship with Suki. He thinks the town and his children would judge him moving on.



Suki Van Dauphnee-Mid to Late thirties, earlier forties. Runs the islands B&B. She is bubbly, outgoing and kind. Terrified that that Resort will close her down. She also respects Sam's need to keep their relationship out of the public eye.